News from the front.

We’re in France. We’re getting de-jetlagged. We’ve hit the Louvre (and will be posting a Very Special Mythic Tour later) and consumed something called “Campari” which – as near as I can tell – is iced Lemon Pledge furniture polish in a glass.

As part of my plan to always eat ridiculous, stereotypical foods when visiting Foreign Lands, my first meal was escargot followed by steak tartare:

I’m not sure what, specifically, woke me up at 3:00 AM with what the Hickman refers to as “assouline” and what our buddy Roland calls “Pershing’s Hole,” but I’m inclined to blame the Campari since the tartare and the escargot were both delicious.

Au revoir!

I’m off to Paris for our big European press event!

Sorry I’ve been running silent for a few weeks, but we’ve had a TON of work to do to get ready for the French event and there hasn’t been much extra time for posting. Keep your eyes peeled over the next week as we’ve got a TON of new stuff coming out all over – and not just from Paris!

I’ll be back in next Saturday (my birthday!). Have a great week!

P.S. For anyone curious about the countdown ticker on the WAR Europe site, MBJ’s laid down the facts for you here.

Ten Ton Hammer interview

As promised, here’s the write up of the interview Lance and I did with Garrett from TTH at the recent EA Press event.

Home again, home again.

Super-producer Lance Robertson and I just got back from an EA press event in New York City, so keep your eyes peeled for coverage in the coming weeks (hint: Ten Ton Hammer probably got the best interview of the entire event, since they seemed to not be distracted by the open bar OR the free food and because they’re made of liquid awesome – so relentlessly hammer their site until they cough up a report). We showed off live beta goodness the whole time, including some swanky RvR battles that lasted well over an hour as the two sides clashed again and again vying for control of a town in the early portions of the Empire and Chaos territories. So kudos to the beta testers, even though they had no idea we were watching them.

The weather was nutty and I was convinced we were going to die on our way into LaGuardia, but I think it worked out fairly well in the end. The first day it just rained in a horrible, soul-crushing fashion, but the second day was bright and cool. I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art while I was there and killed the battery in my camera taking pictures of crazy armor and weaponry. I’ll have to post some shots later, as there were some AMAZING pieces that would (and I realize this is perhaps the geekiest thing I’ll ever write) be PERFECT on a Witch Hunter. In fact, there was an entire wing that I’m convinced is secretly just Witch Hunter tools and supplies with sneaky, fake labels attached to them.

Finally, homework:

Go see: Diary of the Dead

Go play: Zombie Fluxx

Have a great weekend!

Your daily dose of Barnettics*.

Paul’s taken one of his infrequent breaks from running around the office yelling strange things at people to give a speech at the Lift Conference in Switzerland. Here’s his talk:

Make sure you go and lavish him with praise and affection here when you’re done watching it (or before, if you’re a disingenuous sycophant).

* “Barnettics” is a great term shamelessly stolen from the inimitable Kate Flack. It’s only a matter of time before the cult starts up, so get in early!

Paul “The Mastermind” Barnett in Geneva

Paul’s off giving a speech at the LIFT ’08 convention in Switzerland. This afternoon, he wound up on a Swiss radio show (though the host sounds oddly Australian-ish to my American ears). Anywho, here he is, entertaining the neutral and ranting about Warhammer:

The guest afterward is included as well because… well… I’m too lazy to edit the audio any further.


As many of you apparently now know, I went and got myself engaged. Jeff and Paul – a pair of romantic softies – snuck a congratulatory easter egg into the end of the latest Beta update podcast (all the way at the end, AFTER the copyright notice). So a big thanks to them and thanks for the emails and PMs, folks.

For those interested, here’s how it happened:

I was heading over to Dublin to visit our friends at GOA and it seemed like a perfect opportunity to trick my Irish lass into tagging along so I could propose on her ancestral home turf. Once the business was wrapped up, we had a day or so of free time to see the sights and experience Ireland. On our last day there we took a trip out into the country to visit Glendalough. After braving the increasingly-harsh weather, we made our way out to one of the nearby lakes that lay between green fields full of grazing lambs and an ancient ruined monastery. And that’s where I proposed. As Jeff and Paul mentioned already, she said yes.

And there was much rejoicing.

Anywho, I suppose I should introduce you to my good lady now.

Aubrey, meet the Internet.

Internet, meet Aubrey:

She’s concentrated awesome and I can’t wait to be married. Love ya, baby!We now return you to WAR-related shenanigans

IncGamers Interview(s)

This is one of a pair of interviews I did for these folks way back when during this year’s dismal E For All expo in LA. They didn’t have a mic and it was godawfully loud, so I wound up screaming for twenty minutes straight doing the two interviews. This one is the better of the two, if only because I stood closer to the camera and was therefore occasionally audible:

The other interview is here, if you feel you must watch it.

Brief disclaimer:

These interviews are a few months old, despite being posted very recently, so if I say something that seems to contradict current wisdom (i.e. our Q2 launch date), assume that the lag between recording and posting is to blame.

AFK – Ireland.

I’m on my way out to Ireland this evening.  I’ll be in Dublin through the weekend, checking in with GOA and being sociable with our Yurpian pals.  Then it’s off to London for a day before heading back home.  There’ll be a handful of Mythic folks in town, so if you see us wandering the streets of Dublin looking confused, feel free to say hello and/or buy us – by which I mean me – a pint.

Also, poor CJ’s been hard at work polishing the podcast we recorded prior to Thanksgiving for this month’s newsletter, but I fear that the team is moving so quickly through new content that our weekly beta updates may have already covered a fair chunk of what we wanted to discuss. Such is the price of an energetic team that’s chomping at the bit to reopen Beta (very soon).

Dear Irish Fans.

Assuming that anyone from the Emerald Isle actually sees this, I require Irish advice.

I’m going to be in Dublin for a few days (November 28th-December 1st) to hang out with our buddies at GOA.

1) What are the must-see places in town?

2) My lady-friend loves green, outdoorsy stuff.  What’s the best-looking, yet reasonably-close-to-Dublin spot for that type of thing?

Any and all advice is appreciated.

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