E for All

I’ll be heading out to LA in a little under seven hours to do press duty for the E for All show.

Despite the name and location, its CLEARLY not going to be a new E3 of any sort. In fact, none of us have any clue what its going to be like at all. It’s open to the public, so there’s always a good chance that it’ll be a total zoo, but it’s also an unproven event taking place at a weird time of year, so it’s equally possible that we’ll be there the whole time, twiddling our thumbs in an empty convention hall.

In any event, I’m going to be on the floor Thursday and most of Friday. We’ll be fully staffed for the whole show, but I can only stick around for the first couple of days. I’m primarily there to do interviews, but it’s hard to tell how busy that will actually keep me, so if you see me just staring aimlessly off into the distance, stop over and chat for a moment.

We’ll be in the main EA booth – dangerously close to Rockband (mmm.. Rooooockbaaaand *drools*) – with a bunch of machines up and running WAR for your gaming pleasure, so even if you ignore me, make sure to stop by and take a look.


Getting picasa to play nice-nice with WordPress is proving… difficult. Apparently, when google restructed its RSS feeds a while back it busted 99% of the existing plugins and no amount of armchair debugging on my part can seem to resolve the issues.  As such, I’ve removed the photos widget for now.

Has anybody out there successfully implemented a picasa-friendly sidebar widget in a 2.x+ WP installation?

IRC Dev Chat – MMORPG.com

A handful of us did a chat/Q&A with a few hundred of our closest friends last week. MMORPG.com moderated and has a log posted here. It was a bit of a blast from the past doing it via IRC, but it was a fun way to talk to a TON of fans all at once.

Probably my favorite moment:

MMORPG.com: Gobblox :asks: Will there be a mutiplayer?

[WAR]EAMythic_Josh: Yes. It is written that there shall one day come a hero. A warrior of untold strength and wisdom. At they shall be the one. They shall be THE MULTIPLAYER.

Also featured were Justin Webb (items and crafting), Adam Gershowitz (careers), James Nichols (community) and Jordan Rosenbaum (our marketing handler/overlord).

Interview: Beckett MOG Magazine

I’ve actually done extensive interviews in the past two issues of Beckett Massive Online Gamer Magazine. Scans available after the jump.

Heres the interview from the August/September 07 issue:


And here’s the interview (also featuring my partner in crime Adam Gershowitz) from the October/November 07 issue, on stands now:


Copyright notice doodad: The pages above are the property of Beckett Massive Online Gamer and are included here because I’m in the articles and I am exceptionally vain. Hopefully, my friends at Beckett will dig the free publicity, but if they would like me to remove them, they need only drop me a line at joshdrescher [at] gmail [dot] com and I’ll be glad (well not glad, but certainly willing) to pull them down.

Interview: 1UP.com

Check it out here.

Made the front page this time, which is always nice:

New podcast – WAR’s Combat System

This month’s podcast covers – for the first time – the total combat system featured in WAR. CJ and I are both stupidly proud of the chariot “engine” gag.

Leipzig, Germany

Here are a few shots I took of Leipzig during a bit of downtime at this years Games Convention. I was too busy working to take any pictures of the actual show, but GOA put together a cool little video about WARs presence on the show floor.

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