This is just a quick heads up for my readers regarding my comment moderation policy.

I generally dont edit or censor anything folks have to say in the comments on my blog (aside from excessive profanity) so long as the comments are on-topic regarding the post they appear in. I have and will continue to delete comments that are off-topic, particularly comments aimed at dragging drama in from other places, but also comments that are aimed at circumventing the established support systems that exist for WAR/Mythic/EA/etc.

Im not the right person to come to for tech support and such and my blog isnt a venue for general public ranting. There are plenty of other, better places for your voices to be heard if you have concerns or opinions that are related to WAR, but not to what Im writing about specifically.

So, if youve noticed that a comment was either deleted or never posted at all, its almost certainly because the comment was off-topic and didnt belong here.


Comments are closed.