Personality test.

I fly across the pond to the UK tomorrow night, en route to scenic Leipzig. As a result, I’m doing laundry and packing tonight. In the middle of a load of whites, I happened to notice water leaking out of the ceiling above my hot water heater. A fair amount has already poured out and collected in a catch-basin under the heater, so it’s not just a minor drip, but none of our stuff has gotten wet as of yet. Anywho, I called the after-hours emergency number for our complex and reported it.

Now comes the test.

This is either:

1) A terrible inconvenience that couldn’t happen at a worse time. Water streaming in from above, technology gone horribly wrong! I need to clean my collection of WAR shirts and fly off to Europe shortly!


2) Surprisingly good timing. Replacing a leaking water heater will probably take DAYS. Days with no water for showers, laundry, dish washing, etc. Days filled with whole crews of plumbers and carpenters and cleaners going in and out at odd hours, making all sorts of noise. Days during which Ill be thousands of miles away, shacked up in a nice hotel, enjoying the hospitality and good cheer of our European friends and fans.

So which one do YOU choose?

P.S. GC Leipzig is going to be AWESOME. You’re going, right?


7 Responses to “Personality test.”

  1. Jared Schnelle on August 14th, 2008 10:49 pm

    3) Which one does your fiance get to endure?

    I’d go for 2) myself. although I don’t like the idea of people in my house when I’m not around, I look at the sunny side of things. I’d be sure to have them give you a mold test too since you had a water leak.

  2. Vid on August 15th, 2008 12:09 am

    I picked neither because you actually spelled Yurpians as Europeans… tisk tisk now.

    I think it was good timing because it could have decided to happen about five minutes after your plane took off. Then you wouldn’t know until you got back.

  3. Frank on August 15th, 2008 1:57 am

    I would have to go with 2. This isn’t surprising, considering the way I write my blog. Always looking on the bright side and all that.

    Have fun overseas. On another note, good interview on G4 the other night – you were able to deal with the shot-out-of-a-bullet questions pretty well from Adam. Hoping to hear some great stories from Leipzig.

  4. Josh on August 15th, 2008 1:58 am

    I was on G4 the other night? Was it from Comic Con?

    Adam never tells me ANYTHING. 🙁

  5. arbitrary on August 15th, 2008 2:46 am

    I’d go to Leipzig, but I can’t afford to right now, put all my spare leave and cash into heading to Games Day.

    Have fun in Germany!

  6. Centuri on August 15th, 2008 12:46 pm

    Enjoy the room temperature beer!

  7. Frank on August 15th, 2008 7:21 pm

    Josh – indeed it was from Comic-con.

    -For when you have a net connection and if you haven’t seen it yet.

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