
Quick question:

What’s everyone think about Twitter? Is it useful/interesting at all or just spam-tastic Web 2.0 gibberish?

If you use it, what are some feeds you like to watch?


7 Responses to “Twitter.”

  1. Snafzg on July 23rd, 2008 2:56 pm


    Great for the exhibitionists who think people care that you just brushed your teeth… and great for the voyeurs who care that someone just brushed their teeth.

    I personally don’t fit into either category. 😛 Then again, when I had a Facebook account I wasn’t one to spam people with my status updates either.

    If you like the idea but hate the technology (apparently it is constantly up and down), the guy from Digg (Kevin Rose) created Pownce, which is basically a copycat.

  2. LittleWaaagh on July 23rd, 2008 3:07 pm

    I like it. I’m picky about who I follow though. I consider it a great way to keep in touch with people I actually know and to get “microblog” posts from people who I keep on my Google Reader.

    It’s pretty cool to see Ben Templesmith post some sketches or read Warren Ellis write about being a drunken Englishman.

    Combined with something like Google Reader, it’s amazing how you can build up your own news net with a very high ratio of signal:noise.

  3. sardar on July 23rd, 2008 3:12 pm

    spam imho, and also non so “tastic” to be massively downloaded by people

    i love IRC chat and all the things you guys put up with the dev chat; love the istant answer gratification, but Twitter thingy seems to me a lot TOO much the Hype machine

    I’d dream aboout a guy drooling onto the screen waiting to receive a twitt-news

  4. RJO on July 24th, 2008 1:07 am

    I use it a lot (as RJO). I find its 80% useful for keeping up with friends during the day while 20% useful for following “cool feeds” – CNN breaking news, Major Nelson, and a few others.

  5. Frank on July 24th, 2008 7:57 am

    I don’t see the point. It’s SPAM-tastic and there is an infinitely large signal-to-noise ratio in the service, unless it’s a famous person tweeting, in which case there is an unhealthy yet somehow intriguing social display at seeing what the famous person had for breakfast.

  6. bleak on July 25th, 2008 7:34 am

    Not using it. I would rather sit down and read a longer blog article some time after than small “im here its great” twitter things (im sure that the technical term!)Life is what is happening around you while you are to busy twitting!


  7. Archimalay on July 27th, 2008 8:07 pm

    Twitter isn’t too bad. I’ve used it frequently on our site updates and events. Twitter is best used to update your ‘followers’ with the on goings of your life or sites. Anything else, it’s just random psychobabble.

    Josh, it might deem useful for you though.

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