Name calling.

I need to start keeping a list of ways that my name is misspelled in articles.  In the past month I’ve seen:

John Drescher

Josh Dresher

Josch Drescher

Jason Drescher

Josh Dressner

Jane Drescher (My favorite – though it was quickly corrected.)

I think I need clearer business cards and a GIANT name tag.


2 Responses to “Name calling.”

  1. Keen on May 14th, 2008 10:12 pm

    Your name was added to my spellchecker months ago. 😉

    With a last name like mine: Lundberg.. I feel your pain. I dealt with teachers misspelling or saying my name wrong and even had it misspelled on almost all my Little League trophies. 🙁

    Lunderberg, Lundenberg, Lundberger, Lundburg, Lindberg… The horrific agony of it all!!

  2. Boomjack on May 21st, 2008 9:31 am

    Sorry Jim.

    If it makes you feel any better, I get called Josh about 50% of the time.

    John Hoskin, somehow becomes Josh Hoskins.

    Roll with it, or maybe we can trade names?

    John “Boomjack” Hoskin

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