
We did our best to resist, but the urge to guess what the Cloverfield beastie is going to be has overwhelmed us all.  Guesses from the team appear after the jump.

I’m HOPING it turns out to be an alternate retelling of the first Ghostbusters film, shot from the perspective of the citizens of New York during the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man’s attack on the city.   But I’m EXPECTING it to be some sort of disappointing CG mess of pointless mega-anatomy – generally formless and gooey, but not terribly iconic.  Either THAT or an unseen menace that never actually appears on camera clearly.  If the latter, I’m demanding my money back.

Paul thinks it’s the giant wolf creature from Rampage.

MBJ thinks it’s going to be a stealth Godzilla production.

Gersh thinks it’s going to be a giant baby.

Matt “CTO” Shaw thinks it’s Lord Liberty – the long-lost husband of the Statue of Liberty who’s none-too-happy about her having left him all those years ago.

Justin Webb think it’s a slightly-larger-than-normal penguin.

The pet-theory for most folks (the one they’re hoping for, but not really expecting to see) is Cthulhu or some other Lovecraftian specimen.  Other random ideas:

A giant whale with claws.

A giant aquatic eagle.

Global Warming (which led to a humorous discussion of a 500 foot tall Al Gore menacing the city).

Jesus/The Rapture/The Four Horsemen.

I guess we’ll see soon enough.


6 Responses to “Cloverfield.”

  1. Uelrog on January 15th, 2008 10:36 am

    I’ve been following the movie as best I can since I saw the first trailer. Apparently its a monster of J. J. Abrams’s personal creation, and the movie was nicknamed “the parasite” or something along those lines early on.

    A large group of my friends are going to get together to go see it, hopefully it won’t be as big of a dissapointment as I Am Legend was. I am definately with you, if there isn’t at least one clear shot of the monster we are going to start a riot.

  2. Vid on January 15th, 2008 11:06 am

    I think the monster is the movie itself 😛 I feel the movie has great marketing but the film itself isn’t going to hold up to expectations. Call me pessimistic but thats just how I feel Hollywood works now.

    These are my speculations for the movies plot. A deep sea semi-intellectual beastie has been drove from its natural environment because of some form of human interaction. Ironically our main character for this film is moving to Japan so that he can work with the company that is interfering with said beastie’s environment, our beastie attack then begins. In the conclusion of the film our new beastie is either slain or seriously wounded and people begin to speculate that more of these creatures are out there or it is confirmed that more are out there in some form.(ex. another one attacks a different major city, a ships radar showing a huge blip heading its way, or a company comes forward talking about the creatures.)

    Guess I have to wait tell Friday to see how accurate my assumptions are -.-

  3. Snafzg on January 15th, 2008 12:51 pm

    I haven’t been following this movie very much, but I read an article a couple days ago saying that the monster will be JJ Abram’s version of Godzilla. North America already has an iconic creature in the form of King Kong, but Abrams wanted to do something better. He was inspired by his trip to Japan and seeing entire stores dedicated to Godzilla merch… gotta love a movie concept inspired by capitalism.

    As for the story, I will postulate that it was frozen somewhere in the depths of the Atlantic but global warming woke it from slumber. I really couldn’t guess what the North American translation of Godzilla would look like, but it will probably be amphibian in nature.

  4. Vid on January 16th, 2008 11:48 am

    “I really couldn’t guess what the North American translation of Godzilla would look like, but it will probably be amphibian in nature.”

    A little something like this

  5. Josh on January 16th, 2008 1:00 pm

    Hehe. “Fraudzilla” is a pretty damn funny nickname. G.I.N.O. is decent as well.

  6. Vid on January 18th, 2008 2:21 pm

    I think its cool that the Toho Studios actually gave it an official name used it in one movie and referenced it in another. Its even better when the pitted Zilla vs Godzilla and it only took about 15 sec for Godzilla to win.

    Its finally Friday and Cloverield is out in theaters and I have a dilemma, should I take my gf and I to watch it tonight and deal with the crowd or should I wait until later and risk the chance someone will ruin the movie for me by telling me what happens? … Clearly this is going to be a last minute decision. ><

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