Now THIS is a video game commercial:

My kid brother and I used to get in fights over who got to play Pole Position on our TI-994A – 3.0 MHz of pure POWER.


8 Responses to “HEEEEY!!!!!”

  1. Uelrog on January 10th, 2008 11:04 am

    I see your Pole Position and raise you Ice Hockey by Activision.

    Are you ready for it?

  2. Josh on January 10th, 2008 11:36 am

    So we’re agreed, then – what the industry is missing these days is middle-aged men screaming and/or being screamed at.

  3. Uelrog on January 10th, 2008 12:10 pm

    I think we just stumbled upon the way WAR was meant to be marketed. For the next cinematic trailer it should start off with Paul walking into a gamestop asking someone if he could get a copy of War. Then have the older gentleman get in his face asking if he think’s he’s man enough to serve the forces of destruction. Throw in a few cut scene’s of the cinematic trailer for all of the loud in your face descriptions of the many Destruction classes and for a reverse video try to get Christopher Walken to calmly explain the Order professions.

    True marketing gold.

  4. Snafzg on January 10th, 2008 4:40 pm

    That commercial would rock. Make sure the older gentleman has a Scotch accent for trrrrrrrrrue manleh appeal! Hell, if you’ve got the money, hire Sean Connery! He trumps the Shat… hands down. 😛

    @Josh – I hate dropping a public comment like this but I was wondering if you ever do email interviews? I live all the way up in northwestern Ontario Canada, so the likelihood of making it out to any WAR event is pretty slim (unless its hosted in Minnesota or Wisconsin)…

    [EDITED BY JOSH: I pulled out your email address from the post so that folks can’t stalk you]

    Thanks mate. 🙂

  5. Keen on January 10th, 2008 8:10 pm

    I thought it couldn’t get worse than Mr. T. I was so very wrong.

  6. Impyriel on January 11th, 2008 2:06 am

    It’s technically a video game right?

    Either way anyone rememeber this awesome crap?

  7. Impyriel on January 11th, 2008 2:50 am

    erm tried to embed the video.. guess it didnt work.


    I don’t know, this post kicked on my nostalgic memories and this gem popped in my head first for some reason.

  8. Josh on January 11th, 2008 10:13 am

    Ah, good ol’ Captain Power. I was amused a few years ago to find out that J. Michael Straczynski (Babylon 5 creator) wrote most of the episodes.

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