Sketchbook – The Empire!

Vid reminded me that Ive been slacking horribly when it comes to posting scans from the traveling sketchbook I mentioned way back in this entry. Well, I had a few minutes this evening to scan a handful of pages from the Empire section of the book, so here ya go:

Hopefully, I wont forget to add more for months at a time. Feel free to prod me if I do.

Sketchbook – Squigs!

I have a little sketchbook that I keep with me from time to time. My initial plan had been to draw in it myself when I had spare time, but I found that – despite my good intentions – I never ACTUALLY drew anything in it. Rather than give up entirely, I started forcing other people to draw in it.

I’d take it to shows and force members of the press to give me a doodle before an interview. I’d take it to meetings and force people who showed up late to draw something. I’d grab random people visiting the studio and ask for a quick sketch. Eventually, word got around and – from time to time – I’d leave it out on my desk and it would disappear for a week, only to come back with new stuff inside. It’s traveled around the world – from New York to London to Shanghai – and kind (or terrified) people everywhere have taken a moment to put their mark inside. In retrospect, I wish I’d made people sign their work, because I’ve forgotten nearly all of the responsible parties at this point.

It’s nearly full now and so I figured I’d share some of what’s inside. There’s a ton of stuff in it, so I’ll just do chunks every now and then. Conveniently, it wound up divided by theme/subject when people noticed I’d labeled some of the early drawings, so I’ll probably just stick with that form of organization.

Please remember that – more often than not – these were random, non-artistic folks caught by surprise and forced to draw on the spot. My absolute favorite pieces are almost all from people who were in no way artists because they tended to draw truly unsettling and odd stuff. When you see the smirking barrel-wearing pirate-devil-dwarf someday, you’ll understand what I mean.

So without further ado, here are some Squigs (click to embiggen):